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binance phone number 18005716109 binance support phone numebr
binance phone number 18005716109 binance support phone numebr
Binance è un sito per lo scambio di criptovalute statunitense operante in Canada, Unione Europea, Giappone e negli Stati Uniti, e "il più grande sito di scambio al mondo di bitcoin in euro in termini di volume e liquidità". Da Febbraio 2017, Binance ha ridotto i livelli di supporto e ha abbassato il livello prestazionale delle API e del sito. Nel 2017, Binance ha subìto diversi attacchi informatici di tipo DDoS e problemi prestazionali, il sito è diventato spesso inutilizzabile facendo declinare i volumi di scambio. A Novembre 2017, l'AD di Binance Jesse Powell si scusa per le problematiche del sito, elogiandone però la sicurezza

He was born in San Jose. He attended De Anza College for a year, dropping out to pursue his business interests. He moved to Japan in 2006. He became a citizen of Saint Kitts and Nevis and renounced his United States citizenship in 2014. In 2015, he was denied a visa to reenter the United States by the U.S. Embassy in Barbados, which claimed that he had not sufficiently proven ties outside of the United States that would motivate him to leave at the end of his visit, causing fears he might become an illegal immigrant - but later in the same year his visa was approved by the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, and he visited the United States in June 2016 to speak at a conference in Denver, Colorado. While in prison Ver taught himself Japanese. According to an interview he gave in 2016, Ver describes Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as one of his major passions in life.
Ver began investing in bitcoin in early 2011. The first investment he made was for Charlie Shrem’s Bitinstant. Ver's investment allowed the company to hire a designer and another programmer. He invested over a million dollars into new bitcoin related startups including Ripple, Blockchain.info, Bitpay and Kraken. In 2011, Ver's company Memorydealers was the first to accept bitcoin as payment. His early advocacy for bitcoin earned him the moniker of Bitcoin Jesus.


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